
  • First Days In The Eternal City

    My strange, and perhaps whimsical, incognito proves useful to me in many ways that I never should have thought of.

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  • The History of Fashion

    A hard fate has condemned human beings to enter this mortal sphere without any natural covering, like that possessed by the lower animals to protect them from the extremes of heat and cold. Had this been otherwise, countless myriads, for untold ages, would have escaped the tyrannical sway of the goddess Fashion, and the French…

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  • The Door In The Wall

    The Door In The Wall

    One confidential evening, not three months ago, Lionel Wallace told me this story of the Door in the Wall. And at the time I thought that so far as he was concerned it was a true story. He told it me with such a direct simplicity of conviction that I could not do otherwise than…

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